what would you rather be?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


We love designer I need, some new stile-ttos Can't walk, down the street in those You are, who you wear it's true
A girl just as hot as the shoes she choose
-Lady GaGa, Fashion
that explain why you can't walk

aw so pretty

oh so WOW

want it badly

Cutie Pink
the flowers and the skulls, deadly combination

the Last Day

UAS terakhir besok yeaaay abis itu kita libur lamaaaa bgt. Masuk-masuk udah SMA deh, seneng banget siiih tapi sedih juga soalnya ntar bakal pisah sama AVERLA SIXERAS khukhuuu, i'll miss you so much guys. LOVE YOU

Monday, May 18, 2009

little miss wannabe

This time, i'm not in the mood for doing anything. Because it seems like someone has just blow up my nerve. My friends and I don't really like copycat-ers and wannabes, we don't do those such thing. Unfortunately, there's someone (i won't reveal his/her identity) who acts like those wannabes and copycat-ers. Well, to be honest i'm not mad at him/her just because he/she acts like that, there are more. But i'm not gonna write it in my blog, cause i'm not that mean hahaha (true). That's all, byeee folks :)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hello Kitty

j'adore Hello Kitty mmmuah

this is Hello Kitty for MAC cosmetics. MAC loves Hello Kitty, so do i

art assignment, i made Hello Kitty mask

one of my favorite, my Hello Kitty doll

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

si mami

As you all know, waktu itu si uje ngebuat satu sekolah ngakak karena aba-aba tentara malaysia yang kocak abis gt. Terus, beberapa saat setelah itu gue cerita sama nyokap gue sama ade-ade gue juga. Ade gue dua-duanya ketawa ngakak gitu kan, terus nyokap gue responnya cuma biasa aja. Pada saat itu gue pikir nyokap gue aja yang sense of humor nya dibawah rata-rata. Terus abis itu nyokap gue bilang,

"malaysia kan emang suka aneh aneh mba bahasanya kalo dijadiin bahasa indonesia"
"loh emang apa lagi mom yang aneh selain aba-aba tentaranya?"
"rumah sakit bersalin"
"hah apanya yang aneh?"
"loh emang apa?"
"rumah sakit korban lelaki, masa kamu gak tau sih? mama tau loh hebat yaaa itu terkenal loooh, kasian deh masa kamu gak tau"